Beyond the Blast: Understanding the Cognitive Impact of the 2020 Beirut Explosion on University Students in Lebanon

This study explores the psychological and cognitive consequences of the Beirut port explosion on Lebanese university students. It delves into how trauma reminders (visual, auditory, verbal) affect emotional states and academic abilities. This study is crucial for its focus on a Middle Eastern population, aiming to understand their mental health responses and coping mechanisms following a large-scale traumatic event, thereby contributing to the global understanding of trauma in non-Western contexts.

Research Team

Principle InvestigatorRola Shukri Balaa, PhD
Co InvestigatorKassem M. Kassak, MPH PhD
Lead ResearcherYoussef Alan Franci
Project Supervisor ILea Safa
Project Supervisor IIJad Bou Serhal
Research ManagerMaissane Nasrallah

Ethical Considerations and Approvals

Institutional Review Board The Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) at AUB
PO BOX: 11-0236 F15 Riad El Solh, Beirut 1107 2020 Lebanon
IRB approval Date and IDpending
Operation Twelve Ethics Supervisor*Leila Balaa
Operation Twelve Ethics Department Approval Date*pending
*Operation Twelve’s ethical internal review process is detailed in our charter of ethical standards